It Takes A Village - And We Need More Members!

The PTA, LPIE and the DEIB Committee work together to make all of our school programs possible and help make BVE the amazing place that it is. 


We have more than 20 Committees and need over 100 volunteers who work behind the scenes to run our programs and throw our events. 


Interested in joining one of these committees this year or next?


LPIE Gala Auction Committee

Be part of a larger team to help brainstorm and gather auction items for the annual LPIE Gala. This is an important role with a lasting impact on our school funding!



Help shape an inclusive and welcoming environment for all community members of BVE. Join monthly Zoom meetings throughout the year and help throw events like our annual Cultural Night.

Walk-A-Thon Committee

Help plan, run and organize the PTA's biggest fundraiser! This includes planning and organizing the day of, setting up the fundraising site, gathering and distributing prizes post race. The Walk-A-Thon will take place mid April with planning starting a few months prior.



Did you know that the Res Run is a fundraiser for Burton Valley? We need 1-2 volunteers to be the point of contact for the Res Run, attend 1-2 informational meetings, and help recruit 10 volunteers for the day of.

LPIE Science Fair Chair

Ignite curiosity and excitement for science as the BVE Science Fair Chair! Your role includes inspiring students to sign up and create their own science fair projects. You'll coordinate day-of set-up, recruit volunteers, and organize engaging science vendors such as Jungle James, the paramedics and local naturalists. Planning for this amazing community builder begins in January with the LPIE Science Fair happening in March.



Celebrate the creativity of BVE students by helping showcase their amazing artwork! As the LPIE Art Fair Chair, you'll collaborate with Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Rasmussen as they guide students in selecting art. You'll also lead the charge for set-up and take-down with a team of volunteers. Planning kicks off in January, and the Art Fair is held in mid-May.

Teacher Appreciation Committee

Spread joy and gratitude as the Teacher Appreciation Committee chair.  In this role, you’ll plan daily recognition events that celebrate and honor our incredible teachers and staff.  From thoughtful gifts and delicious meals to creative surprises, you’ll make sure they feel valued, appreciated and loved.  This is an amazing opportunity to give back to our teachers and staff who give so much to our students everyday.  Planning begins in late February and TA week is usually the first week of May.



This role is responsible for identifying "bus drivers" for each of the routes, managing all communications with our "bus drivers" (clarifying routes, times, etc.), hanging (and then retrieving) signs to identify each "bus stop", distributing Ruby Bridges swag, celebrating our students who walked, biked and bused to school (in the past, this has included having a large poster for them to sign and handing out stickers). Ruby Bridges Day is Nov 14th and requires planning a month before.

Odyssey of the Mind Chair 

Unleash the power of creativity and problem-solving as the Odyssey of the Mind Chair! As the Chair, you'll recruit interested students, form teams, and support parent coaches throughout their OM journey, including tournament sign-ups. Program planning starts in the fall, with team activity ramping up in January and the tournament in early February.



Do you love to throw parties? Be a part of this fun and memorable community building event! This role is responsible for picking the venue, theme, date and all vendors and details for the party, rough details for the party need to be set by the end of June and the party is usually scheduled for September or October.

New Families Committee

Organize and host 1-2 TK/Kinder playdates, 1 before school starts and 1 a little after it starts. These are casual park playdates so the kiddos can see BVE and get to know each other. Organize and host 1-2 new family get-togethers. Recruit and manage Buddy Family program.



Help recognize all of our Bobcat’s birthdays! We have a bulletin board display outside the Multi-Purpose Room where we celebrate that month’s Bobcat birthdays. This is a fun job that allows you the freedom to get creative!

Reflections Art Chair

Work with the PTA and the BVE Art teachers to promote the National PTA Art program and competition. This role is responsible for managing program logistics, promoting the program, overseeing the judging process, and celebrating with students and the school. The time commitment is about 2-6 hours per month in the fall and being available to answer parent questions over email during registration in October.



Help throw and support our beloved library! Work with our chosen Book Fair vendor to set up the fair as well as organize volunteers and decorations for the week long event. Planning begins in January for this beginning of March event.

‘Count Me Ins’ Committee

Help recruit families to throw Count Me In parties, these are great community building events and raise money for our school. The main part of this commitment is Aug-Oct with some minor email follow ups throughout the year.



Help mentor students to create a sustainable school campus as well as being an advocate in the Hot Lunch program. This role is ideally someone who can be on campus weekly during the lunch break.

LPIE BVE Representative

An amazing and fun opportunity to be involved in the two biggest organizations in our school. This role acts as a liaison between LPIE and the PTA while attending both monthly Board meetings, reporting news back and forth as well as occasionally representing LPIE at BVE events.



Help brainstorm and throw monthly recess pop-up activities to engage our Bobcats and spread kindness! These pop-ups are simple projects or activities that the kids can do to spread awareness and kindness (make cards for kids in the hospital, pick up garbage around campus, make buttons to celebrate Ruby Bridges Day). This commitment is once a month from 11:20-12:30p.

Bobcats In Action Committee

Help our Bobcats spread kindness outside of BVE! Help ideate and organize roughly 8-10 community service events throughout the year to help show our Bobcats the importance of giving back.



Attention incoming 5th Grade Parents! We need 15-20 people to help run several end of year activities and events to celebrate our Bobcats in their final year of BVE. This job may include holding fundraisers throughout the year, planning the end of year Field Day and helping with the yearbook.

Communications, Broadcast and Website Support

Interested in helping build our emails and keep up our website next year? No expertise necessary, it's easy, fun and a great way to stay in-the-know.